Tuesday 20 October 2009

Ten ways to coach yourself to success

Many of us get to a point in our lives where we want to achieve something but have a block to getting there. Some of us are unsure of how to remove or minimise that block. Sometimes the block may be ourselves. I want to share some of my top ten tips to coach yourself to get where you want and what you want by removing those blocks.

  1. What's the block? Think about what is blocking your success then remove it. If you are after a particular job look at what qualifications or experience are needed for that job then go for it. If the process for the job seems too long, think about what you can do in the mean time or go for something else.

  2. What if the block is me? If the block is you then why is that? Are you limiting yourself? If you believe that you deserve something you will get it. If you think you can't get something or somewhere reframe the negative thoughts into positive ones so instead of saying "I can't get that because..." say "I can get that beause..."

  3. I'm scared. Ok we all get a bit scared of moving forward especially to something we haven't done before. When we're scared what do we do? We freeze and do nothing. Make a note of all of the things you are scared of then remove the fear.

  4. Then what? This is a follow on from number 3. So you've identified the fear, removed the fear, then what? Good. Cross it out and eliminate the others until there are none left. If another fear comes remove it and ask yourself "If that happens then what?", until you have no fears left whatsoever.

  5. The Goal. Now you've got through the fear what is the goal? Close your eyes and feel the goal, see the goal or be the goal. Imagine how it is and enjoy it, realise that you are halfway there.

  6. Where are you now? What is your situation at the moment? How far are you from getting your goal? If you know where you are and you know where you want to go you just need to work out how to get there.

  7. How do I get there? Write your goal at the top or right of a page then do a backward path. For example if you know where you want to be think about the what you need to do the step before. If that doesn't work for you do a forward path following the same principle as the first path.

  8. Think outside the box. We could do this alot more. Be brave and think of all of the possible ways to reach your goal. If the thought sounds way out of this world great your thinking outside the box. How do you think the most successful people in the world got to where they are now?

  9. Learn from your mistakes. If you make a mistake see it as a learning point and do thinks differently next time. Remember at the begining of his career Richard Branson made mistakes and learned from them. Also you will get it right eventually.

  10. Think Positively. There will be times when on your journey when it may seem like pushing an elephant up a hill. Take a step back, pause for a moment then , then visualise your goal and GO FOR IT!!! Sing your favourate song, recite your favourite poem or what ever suits to motivate you to get where you need to get.

I wish you all the best and enjoy your journey.


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